Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Weather Outside is Frightful

We seldom have 'snow days' in the south. But rainy days? We have a lot of those.
I should be cleaning up the abode. Or reading. There's nothing quite relaxing like reading when the rain hits the metal roof hard enough to make sound.
We've had a lot of rain lately, several days in a row, and I didn't do a durn thing.
Which is relaxing as well. You know that you are protected in your cocoon. Pajama days are wonderful. Though scary if someone knocks on the door.
I know, the first thing you are supposed to do is get up, get dressed for the day, etc., but some days are more enjoyab le if you don't have to get dressed.
I also have the stacks of magazines, which I'm thinking of moving into the bathroom instead of leaving in the hallway. I've given up on tearing out articles, I find that I never use them. If I want a special recipe I generally go to FoodNetworkTV and get one of those. Of course, I have a lot of those that I have never prepared. But the ones I have, were wonderful.
The closet needs to be cleaned out, but I'm saving that task until the end of February as the grandgirls are having a huge garage sale to help finance their trip to Europe during their senior year. Of course, if I started now, and did the whole house instead of just my closet it might be beneficial to all three of us.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow. I need to get busy and start culling my stuff.


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