Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cancer: The Next Step

I was in Tuesday Morning a week ago and noticed the cutie in Pink.
All the Breast Cancer Awareness stuff is in pink, so I thought, why not?
'Dottie,' so-named by her manufacturer, sings and dances. "Walking on Sunshine" in a little ducky voice.
"I feel the love, I feel the love, I feel the love..."
Something quirky that brings a smile to my lips, and those of my littlest grandson. I felt that if I get depressed it should perk me up. So far, I haven't been depressed. If I get a little anxious, I just start muttering, "I can do this," over and over until I believe I can do this. At least it's working.
The latest step in my battle was another slice and dice at the local hospital. My surgeon went in and did a lumpectomy and node removal. I spent the night, and slept pretty good, tho, it might have been the morphine!
The next day, I was back at home with all my pillows and recurring bedhead. That first evening I forgot to take the pain meds and hello! One moment I was feeling great, the next I felt like someone stabbed me. (Yes, someone did stab me, but I didn't feel it until the meds wore off.)
I whined like a wimpy girl. Now I have my cell phone on 'alarm' so I won't forget again. I'm a fast learner.
Went the next day to the surgeon, changed the dressings, checked the two drainage bags and was asked to report back in on Monday. He works just a block away, so it's more than convenient. He called, yes, you read it correctly, he called to let me know that he hadn't received the report from the node removal. I thought it was sweet of him to do that.
So, I'm waiting. Next Thursday is the visit with the oncologist to determine if I will need chemo or not. The radiation is a sure thing, but the chemo is a maybe at this point.
That's it.
I want to thank all the friends who have reached out to me at this point in my life.
I feel the love.
I feel the love
I feel the love


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Mary Marvella said...

Donna. You will beat this! I love the ducks.

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just sending a little more love you way. You have been amazing keeping up with everything throughout your illness.

My daughter had cancer when she was 2 (She's fine now- have to say that all in one breath).
So I know about the long hours at the hospital, and the endless worry. I'm sending a little of her spirit your way to give you strength.

Good luck and I hope you have lots of Zofran on hand!



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